Supporting you on your healing journey dealing with obstacles in your path:
Infidelity & Betrayal
Dealing with Grief & LOSS
regulating emotions
“Once you go through the grieving process, on the other side is healing and hope.”
— Steve Arterburn
About Safe Haven
Founded in 2021, following my own healing journey of almost a decade, the mission of Safe Haven is to help traumatized and betrayed women. Through individual trauma sensitive coaching and group sessions, you will be coached and supported to a place where you can begin the journey to healing, and finding resilience and stability.
About Our Team
I embarked on an unexpected journey that led me to founding Safe Haven Mentoring after many years of my own healing journey.
What I experienced in the last eight years of my marriage changed my life in profound ways. The trauma of recurring betrayal and continual infidelity shook me to my core. It has been a long road to recovery through therapy, support groups, on my knees in prayer and true friends leaning in to prop me up with their acts of love and kindness.
As part of my life experience I have been a Stephen Minister and then led the Stephen Ministry in my church. As a Stephen Minister, I came to realize that so many of us suffer alone and unseen from many types of traumas.
In founding Safe Haven Mentoring, I seek to help guide you and find a place for you who are experiencing the tornado of destruction from their spouse’s/partner’s sexual addictions that unleashed into their lives.
I have taken this road; let me guide you. I will accompany you on your journey to restore hope and joy, and lead you to a place of healing.
ICF Certified Coach (ACC)
APSATS Certified Partner Coach (CPC)
Certified Mentor
Certified Group Peer Facilitator
Certified Christian Life Coach
ERCEM Trained